1518: The wise, pious and moral speech of Imam Husain (a.s): part two

He (peace be upon him) said: mind your duty to Allah! Don’t claim something which you will call a liar and a sinner. Verily our followers are those whose mind is free from cheating and corruption rather you should say you among those that pay..........

1518: The wise, pious and moral speech of Imam Husain (a.s): part two
In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful
11- Imam Husain (peace be upon him) said:
Whoever takes responsibility of an orphan for us has cut him from our duty and teach and guide of our knowledge that comes to him, Almighty Allah would said to him:
O’ my honorable servant that console, definitely I worth this honor; therefore o’ my Angel make every alphabet he has teach his brother 1,000,000palace in the Paradise including other favors that fits it.
12- A man said to Imam Husain bn Ali (peace be upon him):
I am among your followers O’ the son of the Prophet.
He (peace be upon him) said: mind your duty to Allah! Don’t claim something which you will call a liar and a sinner. Verily our followers are those whose mind is free from cheating and corruption rather you should say you among those that pay allegiance and your lover.
13- Abdulrahman al-Silmi teaches a son of Imam Husain the opening chapter (Surah Fatiha), when he read before his father; he gave the teacher 1000 gold dinar and 1000 pieces of cloth. Then it was inquire from the Imam for his action, he said: what does this worth compare to what he has given.
14- It was reported that a man came to Imam Husain bn Ali (peace be upon him) and said:
Sit down and let us debate on religious issues. He (peace be upon him) said: I am having insight of my religion and guidance is clear to me; then seek for knowledge if you are ignorant because argument and debate is not our work and we don’t have this dirty attribute.
Verily the Satan inspires on men and says: argue with people in religious issue so that they will deem you to be weak and ignorant.
15- Imam Husain (peace be upon him) said:
The book of Allah is made up of four things they are: statements, illustrations, gracefulness and realities. The statements are for ordinary people, the illustrations for special people, the gracefulness for the intimate friend of Allah and the realities for the Prophets.
Imam Husain (peace be upon him) in this hadith when explaining that says: the holy Qur’an is having deeper sciences and deem that to be very simple for everyone.
What is meant by illustration of the holy Qur’an is to understand the Qur’an to the limit of its interpretation.
What is meant by gracefulness of the Qur’an are the points and deductions that is more than the limit of the scholars in Qur’anic interpretation but it need divine guardian. Those who have deposited their mind with Almighty Allah and taken Him as their Guardian and has taken the way of the companions of the infallible ones will benefit from the gracefulness of the Qur’an.
What is meant by the reality of the holy Qur’an is the holy essence and heavenliness of the holy Qur’an which has connection with infallible ones and other people’s hand are short to reach it: (No one touches it except the pure ones).   

16- Imam Husain (peace be upon him) said:
The people’s need on you is among the favor of Allah upon you, then don’t be bored so that this favor is not taken from you to another person.
17- Imam Husain (peace be upon him) said:
Learning is a seed of cognition, long experience increases the sense of reasoning and honor of the faith; it is a satisfaction that gives rest to the body. Whoever loves you abstain you from doing bad and he who hates you will deceive you.
18- O’ mankind! Whoever struggle prosper and whoever is stingy will be despicable. The best among the people is he who gives what he was not requested and the best man that forgives is he who forgives when he has the power to punish, the best that join the relation is he who reunites with he that cut off from him.
19- One day Imam Husain bn Ali (peace be upon them) said to Ibn Abbas:
Don’t intervene in a speech that doesn’t concern you, because I am scared of the burden on you.
Don’t speak in the issue that concerns you until you find a chance for your statement because a speaker may be fault even though he says the truth.
Don’t quarrel with sensible and a foolish person because a sensible one will have your enmity in mind while the foolish one will disturb you.
Don’t speak ill of your brother if he is absent from you except what you expect them to say in your absent and act as a man who he will be held responsible for his atrocity and be rewarded for his good act.
20- Whoever wants benefit from Almighty Allah should suffice his brother at the time of his need and shift away the calamity of this world from him more than he is afflicted. Whoever wipes away the grieve of a believer, Allah will wipe away the grieve of this world and the hereafter from him, Allah will do well to he who has done well; verily Allah love those that do well.       

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